Finance Strategic Transformation Governance

Project Governance - Roles and Responsibilities

Governance Graphic
FST Project Decision-Making Structure

There have been and will continue to be many decisions that we have to make as we move through Finance Strategic Transformation. Early in the project, we knew we would have to be careful about getting the right feedback from the right stakeholders, having the correct people making the decision, and correctly identifying the impact of the decision. As you can imagine, every choice we make along the FST road has an effect on a great many other people, processes, and systems. Click here to read more about the decision-making structure.

You can also view the FST decision log here.

Click here for a full listing of all Governance Committees and members.

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Advisory Group Members

Please use this search to find representatives of your school or business unit.

Name Steering Committee Member Advisory Group Members Checkpoint Team Member
Audit Department Christina Morell Ashley Bagby, Scott Newman, Lisa Emmons Ashley Bagby
Institutional Research & Analytics Christina Morell Ashley Bagby, Scott Newman, Lisa Emmons Ashley Bagby
School of Medicine Allison Holt, Peter Hallowell Kerrie Faust Kerrie Faust