For business meals paid for by employee/department for another employee (name CAN be disclosed), example: you took your team out with a guest speaker at a conference, academic employees are treated as internal guest and you will be able to search for their name in ExpenseUVA.
For business meals paid for by employee/department for External guests (name CAN be disclosed), example: you have a guest speaker that you took out to lunch, you will be prompted to list their First Name, Last name, Title, and Company Name in ExpenseUVA.
For business meals paid for by employee/department for External guests (name CANNOT be disclosed), example: academic division employee or external candidate for a job interview, enter as an external guess even if an employee (in the case of a job interview candidate). Enter “Private” in all fields except in the field for the first name, enter “Candidate, Initial of the first name and initial of last name” to indicate the private guest/s. For example: Candidate John Doe can be entered as Candidate JD in the system.