Beginning January 8, 2024, we will add an additional penalty by which T&E cards will be canceled if any transactions reach 90 days old or more. Currently, cardholders receive notice of violations (and related penalties where warranted) for not expensing their T&E card transactions on time. Once a card is canceled, Dean or VP approval will be needed for a new card to be issued. Please visit our website to see full details regarding aging and penalties.
This new procedure will keep the system free of unreconciled transactions that are 90 days or older and will also allow us to cancel cards that aren’t being used. We have found that even after suspending cardholders who have aging transactions, many cards remain suspended for months with no action taken.
We hope the lead time on this change will give everyone time to clean up aging transactions.
Please let the Expense Team know if you have questions or concerns by emailing us at [email protected]