Recon@UVA Roles & Workflows

What is a "Role" in Recon@UVA?

In Recon@UVA, roles are used to restrict users' access to data and identify one's position in the reconciliation workflow.  For each project, the following roles are used:

  • Preparer:  The person responsible for the detailed reconciliation, including maintenance of source documents to verify all transactions are legitimate.  This role is known as the “Fiscal Contact” in the Integrated System and is a required role in the Recon@UVA system.

  • Examiner:  The person responsible for examining and verifying the work of the Preparer prior to final approval.  This is an optional role in the reconciliation process and can be assigned in the Integrated System.

  • Approver:  The person who has fiduciary responsibility and the appropriate knowledge and authority to authorize reconciliations.  This is a required role in the Recon@UVA system and must be assigned on any Non-Sponsored Project in the Integrated System.

    • Principal Investigator (PI):  The person responsible for program and budgetary management of a grant or contract.  This role is only assigned on Sponsored Projects and will serve as the “Approver” in the Recon@UVA system.

  • Fiscal Officer:  The person responsible for verifying that expenditures for the assigned Project-Award combinations adhere to the University Policies and Procedures.  He/she will receive notification if reconciliations are not completed within 30 days of the due date.  This role is assigned in the Integrated System and provides viewer access to monitor activity in Recon@UVA.

  • Vice President/Dean:  The person notified when their unit’s accounts have not been reconciled within 60 days.  This list is maintained by the Recon@UVA system administrator and provides viewer access to monitor activity.

Can I be assigned to more than one role on a project?

A reconciler can hold multiple roles on a project, but the same individual cannot be assigned as both for any project.

How can I see who is assigned as Preparer, Examiner, Approver, or Fiscal Officer on a project?

Enter the project (or award) number in the appropriate filter on the Role Assignment Report in Recon@UVA. 

  • Expand the grid to display alternates by clicking the small gray arrow at the far left of the report.
How do I know what projects are assigned to me in Recon@UVA?

Enter your Org number (or MBU or Department) in the appropriate filter on the Role Assignment Report in Recon@UVA.

Why am I unable to assign an active, eligible employee a Key Member Role on an end-dated project in the Integrated System (IS)?

The IS requires a person to be an active employee as of the project end-date, not just active on the date you want the role to start.  You will need to find a substitute to cover the gap until the “newer” employee’s hire date since the replacement will have to have been an active employee as of the project’s end-date.

How can I get a list of projects assigned to my Org?

Enter your name and userID in the Reconciler filter on the Role Assignment Report in Recon@UVA.

Why don't I see my project(s) in Recon@UVA?

Check to see if you are assigned a role on the project(s) by access the Role Assignment Report in Recon@UVA. 

  • Enter you name and userID in the Reconciler filter to display the lists of projects.
What happens if my reconciliations are not completed on time?
  • The Fiscal Officer is notified when a project is not reconciled within 30 days (about a month overdue from the due date). 
  • The Dean or Vice President is notified when a project is not reconciled within 60 days (about two months overdue from the due date).
Can I request a Project Key Member change by emailing the Recon@UVA team? 

No.  Role changes are made in the Integrated System by a Role Manager.

What is a Role Manager?

UVA GM Role Manager is a responsibility in the Grants Accounting (GA) module that can change Key Member roles in the Integrated System.

Who is my Role Manager?

Find your unit's Role Manager here

How do I request a Role on a project?

Email the request to your Role Manager.